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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Mes cuml dia sed inenias cet inger lot aliiqtes.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis consectetur consequat ultricies. Nullam quis magna ac libero feugiat elementum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Mes cuml dia sed inenias cet inger lot aliiqtes.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis consectetur consequat ultricies. Nullam quis magna ac libero feugiat elementum.

  • Escain Web: A web Content Manager System.

1 Introduction

The Escain web CMS is a web content manager system that allow customized content and appearance for professional pages under GPL license.
This document do not only show an overview about how to use the EdwWidget class (because EdwWidget itself is useless), but describe fundamentals to construct an user interface and to design new widgets clases on it.
Topics in this document:
  • An introduction to EdwWidget, how to use it to create full user interfaces.
  • The EdwWidget class specification.
  • How to create a new EdwWidget, requisites and technics.

2 Introduction to widgets

2.1 A widgets tree

Each widget class has a specific purpose: some of them are simple elements like buttons, texts or input box; others are containers that may hold a set of widgets instances inside them and are used to manage the user interface space, for example layouts, windows or frames.

Tree structure:

An User Interface is composed of widget objects organized in a tree structure, that is, the root widget instance is a container that hold other widget objects.
[HTML] Example of load().
<noscript id="myapp">Javascript <l>is</l> disabled</noscript>

Read-only properties:

Read-only properties may be easily identified with their get method prefix:
getAnyProperty(): value
Note: anyProperty isdoes not really exist.

Class diagram of EdwWidget